become clogged with sap or other material and the line will become jammed as a result. To
clear the jam, follow the steps listed below.
• Disconnect the plug from the power source.
• Pressthereleasetabsonthelinespoolcap,asshowninfigure N and remove the cap by
pulling it straight off.
Pull the nylon line spool out and clear any broken line or cutting debris from the spool area.
Place spool and line into spool cap with line “parked” in slots provided as shown in figure O1.
• Insertthelineendthroughtheappropriateholeinthespoolcap.Pullslacklinethroughuntil
it pulls out of the holding slots as shown in figure O2.
• Press the spool down GENTLY and rotate it until you feel it drop into place and then push
to snap into place. (When in place, the spool will turn a few degrees left and right freely).
• Takecaretokeepthelinefrombecomingtrappedunderthespool.
• Alignthespoolcaptabswiththeslotsonthespoolhousing(figure P).
Snap the spool cap back on as shown in figure P by depressing lugs and pressing into spool housing.
NOTE: Make sure that cover is fully positioned, listen for two audible clicks to ensure both
lugs are correctly located. Power the appliance on. In a few seconds or less you’ll hear the
nylon line being cut automatically to the proper length.
NOTE: Otherreplacementparts(guards,spoolcaps,etc.)areavailablethroughBlack&
Decker service centers. To find your local service location call: 1-800-544-6986 or visit www.
WARNING: TheuseofanyaccessorynotrecommendedbyBlack&Deckerforuse
with this appliance could be hazardous.
WARNING: Disconnect the plug from the power source before making any assembly,
adjustments or changing accessories. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of
starting the appliance accidentally.
CAUTION: To avoid appliance damage, if the cutting line protrudes beyond the
trimming blade, cut it off so that it just reaches the blade.
Depress the tabs and remove the spool cap from the spool housing on the trimmer head figure N.
• Graspemptyspoolwithonehandandspoolcapwithotherhandandpullspoolout.
• ReplacespoolwithBlack&Deckermodel#SF-080.
• Removeanydirtandgrassfromthespoolandspoolcap.
• Iflever(Q1) in base of spool cap becomes dislodged, replace in correct position before
inserting a new spool.
• Unfasten the end of the cutting line and guide the line into the eyelet (O2).
Press the spool GENTLY into the spool cap and rotate it until you feel it drop into place. Then
push to snap into place. (When in place, the spool will turn a few degrees left and right freely).
• Takecaretokeepthelinefrombecomingtrappedunderthespool.
• Alignthespoolcaptabswiththeslotsonthespoolhousing(figure P).
Snap the spool cap back on as shown in figure P by depressing lugs and pressing into spool housing.
The line should protrude approximately 4-13/16 inches (122mm) from the housing.
WARNING: Disconnect the plug from the power source before making any assembly,
adjustments or changing accessories. Such preventive safety measures reduce the risk of
starting the appliance accidentally.
not use serrated or heavier gauge line, as they will overload the motor and cause overheating.
Hand wound spools from bulk line are likely to become tangled more frequently than
To rewind spool, follow the steps below:
• Remove the empty spool from the appliance as described in “REPLACING THE SPOOL”.
• Makeafoldattheendofthecuttinglineatabout3/4inch(19mm)(R1).
Insert the folded cutting line into the upper hole inside of the spool (R2) as shown in figure R3.
• Wind the cutting line onto the spool in the direction of the arrow on the spool. Make sure to
wind the line on neatly and in layers. Do not crisscross figure S.
• Whenthewoundcuttinglinereachestherecesses(R4), cut the line and dock it in the spool
line slots (R5) .
Fit the spool cap onto the appliance as described in “REPLACING THE SPOOL” (figures O, P).